
Monday, July 11, 2011


                                                                       Oil on Canvas

There is a longing in his eyes which struck me and I decided to paint his portrait. I am not very happy with my work ..nevertheless, I decided to share it with you all. Although, the painting has its flaws, there is something very endearing about this man. I wonder if you feel the same :)


  1. I think this man has a certain innocence and sincerity in his eyes and I think you have captured that perfectly. For me, this is a successful portrait.
    Well done and best wishes,
    P.S. I hope you got my message regarding the change in my blog address.

  2. Thanks Vinayak :) I did get your message and I made the required changes. I lost the facebook message (networked blogs) you had sent..could you send it one more time please.

  3. Hi Pragya. Thanks for making the necessary changes, but it still shows VINAYAK DESHMUKH ART instead of pencils and brushes in your blog list. I guess you have to delete the old blog and add a fresh one..

  4. Oops..had missed that ! Done..Thanks for letting me know :)

  5. Wow, I really love this portrait! Great job capturing his expression and the green shadow on the side of his face is spectacular!
